Common Questions

When is the best time to have therapy?
Often, people come to therapy when our ways of being that once seemed to support, are breaking down or have already led to other problems. Overworking or perpetual busyness, addictions, repeated relationships that turn out to be unhealthy, all disable our capacity to tend to our wellbeing, a loud inner critic may wield control and drive us to continue to believe that if we ‘try harder’, ‘work harder’, ‘be more perfect’ that we will feel OK. We may be questioning the meaning or purpose in life, not feeling connection to others, nor experiencing any joy or inner peace: depression, anxiety or physical health issues may have developed as a consequence. In the past, we may have needed to adapt within our families, schools or environments to ‘belong’ or ‘fit in’ or learned ‘to please others’ or ‘to not feel’ to have any hope of being loved, accepted or even to feel safe, and as a result we may have lost our connection with a sense of who we really are, and our true potential. One of the most important aims of therapy is to learn how to rebuild our connection with our ‘Self’ so that we can fully accept ourselves, become our own best friend: one who cares for, loves and encourages us to re-member who we really are and to be the best version of who we want to become.
Therapy supports a process whereby we can transform the issues that have brought us to therapy in the first place. We can learn kindness and acceptance for who and how we are, discovering our real values and develop willingness to listen and respond to our true calling. Healing the roots of the issues that have become manifest and hindered our connection to our true essence enables us to step into relationship with our self and others authentically and into the world more resolute. A sense of meaning and purpose can be renewed, we might experience a sense of inner alignment, achieve more balance between being and doing, and harmony between learning, growth and self-mastery inspired.
Sessions are 55 mins in duration unless otherwise agreed.

There are times in therapy where we need to explore difficult or painful things. Turning towards what is or has been painful can be counterintuitive as we are ‘wired’ to turn away from both physical and emotional pain, but the purpose of undertaking deep work is to transform it so that it is no longer painful nor continuing to affect you in the present.

It is important to remember too, that often in the past we have felt alone in our pain, and in therapy we work together to support deep healing and transformational change.

These terms are often used interchangeably in the UK.  Psychotherapy might offer a more in-depth approach and the time involved might be longer.  Both counsellors and psychotherapists undertake core training and many, as I have have continued to further and develop their skills by their commitment to their ongoing learning.

Psychotherapy and counselling can work with a wide range of issues affecting your life.  This could include specific mental health issues such as anxiety or PTSD, or on issues like improving confidence or self-worth or overcoming aloneness or loss of meaning and purpose, to dealing with relationship abuse, breakdown or bereavement, or on long standing unresolved childhood issues, counselling and psychotherapy can help!

If you are willing to look at yourself, your life, your relationships openly and honestly, able to invest time and commitment for change and can accept that the process isn’t always easy but the rewards can literally be life changing, then therapy will be a suitable option for you to explore. 

There are a number of considerations in choosing a therapist that is right for you. 

Feeling as if you can trust and get along with your therapist is now proven to predict therapy effectiveness – over and above the actual approach used.

I have many years experience of supporting clients with compassion and care and am committed to creating high standards – furthermore, I really love my work!

Important questions to ask yourself in looking for a therapist can include:

  • Do you feel as if you can build a  working relationship with your therapist?
  • Does the therapist have experience on the matters that you wish to address? 
  • Does your therapist work with an approach that will be efficient and effective for the concerns that you want to address?  

These are some initial questions to consider – but see my blog post to find out more!

Therapy needs can vary from a few sessions to months, and potentially into years, depending on individual needs and complexity.  

It is important to remember too that some trauma based approaches such as EMDR and DBR can be very efficient and relatively ‘fast acting’ compared to traditional methods.  Ultimately therapy needs to be paced in such a way that you can manage. 

It can also be very difficult to be precise about how many sessions ‘you’ will need – and this is best explored following an initial consultation. 

Therapy sessions are normally agreed for a specific time and day to be held weekly. 

On occasion, fortnightly or even twice weekly might be indicated, but this is usually during particular phases of the work as opposed to a routine arrangement.

The majority of my sessions are conducted remotely via a virtual platform such as Zoom.

In person appointments are at premises in Yealmpton, Devon UK

Sessions are held in a confidential environment and are subject to standard legal exceptions.  These will be outlined clearly so that you are aware of the specific circumstances. 

Should there be a need to break confidentiality, this will where possible be discussed with you in the first instance.  It is much rarer for confidentiality to be broken without prior consultation. 

Please use the contact form to request an initial appointment.  Session times and days are discussed and agreed at our initial meeting.  Sessions are then typically held weekly on the same day and time. 

I will forward you a meeting link in advance of the weekly session.

I do work with some insurance providers.  

Please do inquire using the contact form to ask about your specific insurer.